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  • Writer's pictureАlехаndrа Glаdсhеnkо

You are not valuing your time as much as it really costs/ A Puzzle of Being

Puzzle: Morris has 89 years. He already used 25. But the quality of 1 year of those 25 is no more than 0,5. Question to solve: how can Morris earn points for the next 64 years, so he could equalize the quality 1 to 1 or > (89=89 or more). Bonus: Morris can earn +11 points, if: a) he’ll quit smoking +1; b) stop eating junk +2; c) find a life purpose and raise his vibration +8.

Let’s call it A Puzzle of Being. How to make your time count? You won’t be equally productive throughout the journey. That’s true. But even so, don’t underestimate the power of “lazy” years. They give you more than you might think.

“Most people have no clue what they are doing with their time but still complain they don’t have enough.” Grant Cardone, NYT bestselling author.

I am afraid of busy people. The ones trying to distract themselves with small things and living their days on autopilot.

##%&&??? or WHY

There’s just that vibe of lostness and fear. Busy, buzzy people. The ones proclaiming it with kind of pride. Like, who are you trying to fool? In a pursue of a status of a very important person, wanting to prove self worth. What’s curious, it seems first vip’s seek approval from outside. But the truth is that it’s only done to feed that hurt inner being. With constantly growing munchies.

“Being busy is a form of mental laziness.” -Tim Ferriss.

Just saying.


How often do you find yourself confused on what you should drag your attention to?

Because we are getting hundreds of opportunities daily. I’m not exaggerating. Every step you do is taking you to different scenario. And you want to be wise accepting this or that chance.

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” -Warren Buffet

Learn how to say “No”, and particularly, that it is okay to say “No”.

Try to concentrate on 1 or 2 opportunities rather than spreading your energy on everything you’ve been offered. Nobody wants to be a slut after all.

Energy battery.

The thing is — the person is given a set amount of energy daily. Obviously, we all have different battery volumes. But you know your capabilities already (if no — start testing yourself). So keeping that in mind draw a picture: say, when you wake up you have 100% charged battery. Write down things that energize you and also the things that are draining the energy from you at this point of time (both in a neutral, positive and negative way).

Gonna do the same along with you.

Kinda rough estimations. But somehow it makes you see. See how energy shifts throughout the day. One morning you’ve taken a metro, got annoyed with an arrogant lady, miss, or whatever you call that; got your -7, then plugged the earphones in and it all balanced.

I, personally, charge enormously when doing/creating/realizing things that are truly important to my innermost. The feeling, when I reach certain conditions in meditation, breaking through 3 dimensional existence, dreaming /purposefully/ of thing I want to achieve gets me ecstatic every day. Listening to the sound vibrations, dragging absolutely different sorts of emotions you didn’t know existed there. Wow.


What I want to say: plan things that drag the freakin YOU from that piece of consumerist meat.

Plan. That’s what we do with important stuff: we put it on calendar; to allow the universe know it’s important. “What gets measured gets managed.”— Peter Drucker, a cool guy.

Okay. The battery.

What if you have more minuses now? Then alert. You are LIVING THE LAST LIFE NOW.

Go back to the puzzle at the beginning of this text. I’ll wait here. Mmmm, yup. What would you say? Seems like 90% of a planet are Morrises, huh?

Emergency plan.

Breathe fresh air for 7+ hours a day.

Drink pure water. Eat pure food. Talk to pure people.

Sing. Moan. YELL.

Adopt a cat.

Carve your body with a tattoo-reminder of who you are and where you go.

Create something with your hands. Go and take pottery master-class.

RUN. Jump. Go nuts.

No thoughts, please, no even a second ahead, not a minute in past.


Give care. Receive care.

Dream. Do steps towards.Visualize.

If you stuck in a circle, doing things that eat you out, ask yourself a question:


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