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  • Writer's pictureАlехаndrа Glаdсhеnkо

Refuse to Cooperate with Enslavement. It's David Icke at London Real

Saturday eve. David Icke London Real interview. Topic: The Truth Behind the Coronavirus Pandemic, Covid-19 Lockdown & the Economic Crash.

First, who is David Icke?

David Icke, an English conspiracy theorist, broadcasting his believes on vibrational nature of the Earth and an infinite number of dimensions coexisting in one space. As always, all the hottest pals come from the UK.

Brian Rose, the host of the London Real tv, an impressive independent podcast on the major global questions the best I've found so far. Personally, I could relate to the most part of the content, which I find revealing, naked, and challenging. The freedom of speech Rose is fighting for, for every being with a decent insight, is hard to overexaggerate.

It’s your right to how to react to this piece of information. It might be valid, as well as it might not. But it certainly makes think and contrast the ideas about a world system you already have. And what is the search for truth if not challenging and comparing different points of view? And the fact that David Icke has been banned to speak publicly in numerous countries, makes it even more curious and suspicious: why? Why the governments are afraid of one man? If he’s just telling “bullshit”?

Please, watch the video and share your thoughts: (you just have to leave your email to register, nothing more).

Some of the insights from David Icke interview at London Real:

- Coincidences are rare. The virus is a part of an agenda of the Regime.

- There's a permanent government, no matter how many political faces are passing by. The Core stays the same. Their goal stays the same.

- All countries could eventually turn to the Chinese-like social point-based system (the more obedient citizen you are - the more perks you get; being a rebel? We gonna take the basic rights straight away).

- You will lose the basic rights if not vaccinated. A new way of fascism.

- That 1% of decayed beings is now using the simplest ruling mechanism - fear. The fear of death and the fear of the unknown.

- We are dealing with the ones on top, who got no frickin sense of empathy. Forget that and think accordingly.

- Is the Covid-19 even a real virus...?

The most important for us now is to be calm, and not let that Reptilian part of the brain (which is about the basic survival instincts) take over common sense. The vibration you choose to live will determine the extent of phenomena and truths you'll be able to see.

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